Thursday, December 25, 2008

Don't make me cry

They did it again. They made me cry. I know . . . . you're all thinking, "what's new? you cry at TV commercials." I get that genetically from my Dad. My kids went way above and beyond for me this Christmas. They totally ignored me (gee - what a surprise). They were given a $5 limit for Christmas and they had to spend that $5 at a Dollar Store. They didn't. Instead, they pooled their resources, called in some favors and got me a SWEET laptop WITH a custom paint job.


Brenda said...


That's some gift! So now you can blog all the time, right?

The other sister said...

Oh yeah. You will be so bored with all the stuff I can post on my blog now!!!

MisterG said...

That is SO cool! Now you can stay out of the 'man cave' and do some serious surfing right from the comfort of the big couch.