Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Something to make you go: Whoa

Perhaps you saw this headline today:  Police: Man torn by guilt confesses to '88 killing.  I saw it, but didn't take the time to click on it and read it.  I should have.  The victim in this 21 year old crime was Marlon Darton.  Yes, you read it right.  Marlon Darton.  It was Marlon's paternal grandfather.  Marlon's family had lost touch with his grandfather after Marlon's own father passed away in the 1960's. Marlon wasn't aware that his grandfather had been murdered until a reporter from Channel 12 News called him at work today.  Did that just make you go:  Whoa?  Me, too.


Unknown said...

Woah indeed

mikestribe said...

My heart goes out to him. It's one thing to lose a loved one but for it to be violent is really sad. Marlin did a nice job on his interview.

Brenda said...

Can't imagine how a person handles news like that. How's Marlon?